Get On Board! 5 Tips For Introducing Employees To Your New GPS Tracking System

The benefits of a GPS tracking system for your fleet company are clear. Whether you want to track your employee’s whereabouts on the road, or monitor gas consumption and speeding, there are revenue-boosting streams from a GPS tracking system that cannot be met any other way. Live tracking is a cost-cutting win for fleet management.

Make it a win-win for your employees, too. If your drivers and administrators are on board with an integrated live tracking system from day one, you will begin to see results even faster. With our tips, you can make the transition to GPS monitoring easy and beneficial for all parties.

1. Have a meeting with your employees before installing the system.
Conduct a formal meeting with your employees to explain the live tracking system, how it will effect daily operations, and how the company (them included), will benefit from it. Do not install the system before giving your fleet the head’s up; it could potentially cause employee upset and a disruption of trust.

2. Gain employee trust by being honest.
Be honest with your employees about what you hope to gain from installing a GPS tracking system. Explain that you are not targeting a specific crew or person on the road, but are rather looking for a “bigger picture” perspective of daily operations, so that everyone involved can learn something and be more productive.

3. Create employee incentives
GPS tracking technology can save your fleet company money by lowering insurance premiums, reducing fuel consumption, alerting you to vehicle maintenance needs, increasing operations efficiency, and minimizing vehicle idling. Consider creating employee “bonuses” to reward them for getting on board with the cost-cutting strategies of GPS tracking. It shows them that you want to share the success of meeting goals together. GPS tracking also provides employees with improved driver safety and protection against false claims from customers. The GPS tracking system will provide irrefutable data showing where and when every tracked vehicle has traveled, giving employees the evidence they need in these situations.

4. Encourage a dialogue through social media
We’ve been talking about the value of social media to promote safety messages amongst your fleet employees. A Facebook page can also provide a manageable space for you to provide employees with GPS tracking system updates, and publish tracking reports. Get them chatting about tracking tech!

5. Spread the knowledge
The GPS Commander web portal is equipped with a complete range of historic and live tracking report options, allowing administrators to create detailed on-screen or printed reports to share with employees and internal staff. Targeted goals for mileage or lack of speeding can be monitored through the reports, and shared via Excel, Word, or PDF with your employees. Give them proof of success, right before their eyes.

A healthy dialogue with your employees about GPS tracking should begin the day you make the order with GPS Commander. The more information you can provide them with, the more trust you will build as you integrate the system. With an incentive strategy, you may notice positive changes happening on the road right away. Make live tracking a positive player in everyone’s success!

Try out our instant quote system instant quote to see just how affordable GPS tracking technology can be.


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